

【The Weekly Report】2018/2/26~2018/3/2 週報

*English below.

f:id:anect:20180305135637p:plain こんにちは、anectの三島です。



オーストラリア人エンジニアのManuelがジョインしました。 早速、福岡のオフィスで勤務を開始しています。



2.Toko-Toko 新ロゴ完成!

Toko-Tokoリニューアルに先駆けて、以前週報でもお伝えしていた弊社サービスのToko- Tokoのロゴが完成しました!


【The Weekly Report】2018/2/5~2018/2/9 週報 - anectで唯一コードが書けない人の仕事ブログ





3.EV- HiveのオフィスをDaily useで利用しました

Jakartaに滞在中は作業スペースに困ることがあります。 特にJakartaは渋滞がひどいので、移動もできれば減らしたい。カフェで作業するのも意外とお金がかかる。

そんな時に私は、EV-Hiveさんのコワーキングスペースを1日単位の利用でお借りしています。 EV-Hiveさんは、Jakarta市内だけでも16個もオフィスを持っていて、用途や地域、好みで使い分けることも可能なんだそう。ほんと助かる存在です。



一時帰国しました。今回の出張では、沢山の打ち合わせを経てようやくインドネシアの商習慣に慣れてきました。最初はやはり日本と異なる部分も多く、戸惑いました。 またインドネシアで実りある打ち合わせを重ねられるようぬかりなく準備を行います。 次は3月末ごろの入国を予定しています!


日本に戻ってきたら、厳しい寒さが終わっていました。 そろそろ桜の季節です!

Hi, I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

Let's check this week's report!

1.Manuel joined anect!

Manuel, an Australian engineer, started working at anect Fukuoka office since 1st March. As the number of employees increased, fixtures also increased and the Fukuoka office became more lively!

We also updated member page on our official web site. Please check it out!

2.Toko-Toko new logo completed!

Prior to Toko-toko renewal, the new logo was completed!

3. Making new logo!

【The Weekly Report】2018/2/5~2018/2/9 週報 - anectで唯一コードが書けない人の仕事ブログ

We changed the both colors and design so that they suitable for fasionable women.



Just a little longer till the renewal! Hang in there!

3.Use office at EV- Hive for Daily use

While staying in Jakarta, it was tough to find work space. Because especially Jakarta has a heavy traffic jam so that I would like to avoid moving place to place if possible. However, work in a cafe is suprisingly costs a lot of money.

So now, I am borrowing a co-working space at EV-Hive on daily basis.

EV-Hive have 16 offices in Jakarta alone, so it is also possible to use it according to purpose, tegion, and preference.

I used it for 3 times in different places, all of them are cozy and quite, it was perfect of work space! I really recommended it!

4.Temporary went back to Japan.

I temporary returned home. In this trip, I done meetings and learnt about business culture in Indonesia. Honestly these were many parts different from Japanese and it was difficult for me to adjust with it.

I am planning to go back to Indonesia again on end of March and currently preparing for the next meetings.


When I arrived in Japan, the severe winter was almost gone.

Season of cherry blossoms is coming!

【The Weekly report】2018/2/19~2018/2/23 週報

*English is below.

f:id:anect:20180226173450p:plain こんにちは、anectの三島です。


1. タイの企業主催のD-NEXTイベント@Jakarta で三島がPitchをしました!

2/22, タイのAccelaratorと企業が主催するD-NEXTというイベントに参加して、弊社と弊社のサービスについて5分間のプレゼン発表をさせてもらいました。

初めての人前での英語プレゼンは課題が多く見つかりましたが、フィードバックや質問も多くもらえ、タイの人たちにも興味を持ってもらえたことや自分のプレゼンで弱いところが知れるなどとても有意義な機会でした。 また発表後の懇親会では、主催者の人たちとタイで盛り上がっているテクノロジーについて・スタートアップについて・タイ企業としての関心事など色々聞くことが出来てインドネシアだけでなくタイについても知ることができました。

2. 福岡市×台北市 Meet Up Day!に木村が登壇しました!

木村が2/23 福岡で開催された台湾との合同イベントに登壇しました。 InnoVEX 2017にて出展・ピッチしたご縁でいただいた招待でした。


3. 勉強会で原がLightning talkしました!

福岡で開催された エンジニア向けの勉強会で原が

スマホでネイティブアプリ開発ができるExpo について発表しました!




4. 毎週 Dev.Progress Reviewを行っています

現在、目下リリースに向けて開発チームはプロダクトの作成を行っています。 そのため、週1で進捗確認をおこない開発チーム各人のスケジュールの確認とデッドラインのすり合わせを行っています。 進捗確認ツールのmondayを使いながらお互いに把握できるようにしています。


2月も残りわずかになりました。 リリースに向けて、開発チームを中心に猛烈に忙しいスケジュールで業務を進めています。 土日の出勤、ありがとうございました!

Hi I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

Let's check this week's report!

1. Gave presentation in D-NEXT Event @ Jakarta

In 22th Feb, I participated in the event called D-Next Event sponsored by Thailand's Accelarator and company and also gave a 5minutes presentation about our company and our service.

I found that I'm not skilled enough to give an English presentation in front of a lot of audiences. However, it was a very meaningful opportunity. I got a lot of feedback and questions.

During the social gathering that was held after, I able to hear about the latest technology and startup trends in Thailand, and other various concerns. I was able to gain a knowledge not about Indonesian but also Thai's situations.

2. Ichiro participated in Fukuoka x Taipei Meet Up Day! as speaker

Ichiro was invited to give a speech by InnoVEX 2017 and participate in Taiwan joined event that was held in Fukuoka on 23th Feb.

We will continue to present a presence so that we can get other opportunity to give a speech in the next exhibition!

3. Ryosuke done Lightning talking at study session!

Ryosuke done Lightning talking about

Expo that can develop native applications on a smartphone

at a study meeting for engineers held in Fukuoka.

The content is about the latest practical tool which can develop complicated application using smartphone.

Those who not familiar with technical terms, the explanation below will make you understand easily.

*Attachment is in Japanese Only.

We invite you to experience AHA!

4. We are conducting Dev.Progress Review every week

Towards to the current release the development team is preparing the latest products. For that reason, we started weekly progress meeting every week, to confirm the schedule and deadline of each development team. We are using progress confirmation tool called monday so that we can grasp each other works.


There are only a few days left before the end of February. To catch up the release schedule, our development team members are wrapped up by busy schedule. Thank you for your hard work in spite of Saturdays and Sundays!

【The Weekly report】2018/2/13~2018/2/16 週報

*English below.




1. Fintech Meetup in 福岡 に木村が登壇しました!

木村が 2018年2月16日に福岡のグロースネクスト(弊社の入っている建物)で開催された 「Fintech Meetup in 福岡」 に登壇しました。



2. 前田、SSL/TLSの勉強しております



SSLとはインターネット上でデータを暗号化して送受信する仕組みです。 なんのこっちゃ、という感じですが、普段何気なく使っているウェブサイトのURLが https から始まっていれば(いわゆる Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)セキュリティに配慮されたサイトであるということになります。 私も最近知りました…





3. 台北 - 福岡 Vanilla Air就航&チケット購入しました!

Vanila Airが新たに福岡- 台北間で就航した記念に、キャンペーンをやっていました!

な、なんと片道サービスチャージ込で750円!!やっす!激安ですね。 早速、4月に台湾出張の予定がある前田が購入していました。 九州内の移動より安かったそう…

今後も福岡とアジアの各国とがより便利に行き来できるようになっていくのではないでしょうか。 早く福岡ーインドネシア直行便も就航してほしいです。(切実)

4. 社内プレゼンレビュー会でプレゼン特訓しています

三島の教育訓練の一環で、自社のサービスを説明するPitchの練習を社内でおこなっています。 毎日30分、各社員にVideo chatでプレゼンをおこない、フィードバックをもらう形式です。 今回は英語でのプレゼンです。 伝わりやすい英語を考えたり、人前で話すことはまだまだ慣れず悪戦苦闘していますが、いつ発表の場に出ても恥ずかしくないようこっそり訓練しています。


ちなみに2/16(金)は こちらインドネシアではChinese New Yearとして祝日だったので街も大いに賑わっていました! オンライン上でも沢山のサイトがChinese New Yearに向けたプロモーションで盛り上がっており、どれだけChinese New Yearが大イベントなのかを改めて肌で感じることができました。


Hi I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

Let's check this week's report!

1. Ichiro participated in Fukuoka Fintech Meetup as a speaker!

Ichiro participated in Fukuoka Fintech Meetup as a speaker that was held on 16th Feb in Fukuoka Growth Next -same building with our Fukuoka office.

anect was introduced as Grobal startup company from Fukuoka and he gave speech about our business contents and current situations of startup business in Southeast Asia countries, especially E-commerce and Fintech.

In addition, there was a commentary on Fintech market trends from KPMG Japan,Fukuoka city's introduction from mayor of Fukuoka and lectures from other Fintech startups.

2. Learning about the latest version of SSL and TLS

Do you know latest news and insights from Google on security and safety?

Check it below.

It said in the news that website which is started with http are not secure, and Google strongly advocating sites to adopt HTTPS encryption.

*SSL is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser.

Basically https (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) means is the same thing as HTTP, but uses a secure socket layer (SSL) for security purposes. It was new for me too...

Since our business is a service dealing with personal information, having website knowledge of SSL is essential for website operation.

By the way, the latest book about SSL that Tamaki purchased last week is here!↓


From now on, anect will always inputs the latest knowledge, deepens the understanding of security, and will manage safe EC site · settlement service!

3. Vanila Air New Route, Fukuoka-Tapei!

Vanila Air held a campaign to commemorate their's new route between Fukuoka-Taipei.

It is offer such as an incredible price! Just 750JPY one way! sooooo cheap isn't it?

Tamaki booked it for business trip on April. He said that it was cheaper than transfer within Kyusyu.

I wonder whether Fukuoka and other Asian countries will be able to come and go more convenient in the future. I strongly hope Fukuoka-Indonesia direct flight will be launched soon.

4. I have a presentation special training at the in-house presentation review meeting

As part of Sakurako’s education and training, Pitch' s practice of explaining its service is done inside the company. It is in a format where I give a presentation to each employee with Video chat about 30 mins everyday to receive a feedback.

It was not easy to make the sentences in easy-to-understand English and talking in public however I am secretly training to give out the bet presentation.


By the way, 16th Feb (Fri) is Chinese New Year holiday here in Indonesia, the city was covered in celebration mode! There were plenty of shopping site that gave out promotion for Chinese New Year! I could feel how big the event was.

See you next time!

【The Weekly Report】2018/2/5~2018/2/9 週報

*English below. f:id:anect:20180213095741p:plain




木村の約3週間のシンガポール(途中にインドネシアも含む)出張が無事終了しました。 スケジュール的にも体力的にもハードだったと思います。





2.RENDER FORESTを使い始めました!

Free Tools for creating professional intros, animations, slideshows and music visualizations in minutes.!


なんて回し者発言をしましたが、現在弊社では社外へのPR動画を作成するのにRENDER FORESTを 利用させてもらっています。




現在、絶賛ロゴを再創作中です。 ロゴ作成のプロセスは大変そうですが、「こんなに考えられているんだ〜」と思うことばかりで横で聞いていて楽しいです。 anectの思いが詰まった新ロゴ、お楽しみに!


スラバヤからSuramadu 橋(Surabaya-Madura)を渡るとすぐ隣の島、Madura島へ行ってきました。

Sumadura 橋


Maduraで食べたsate madura!


色んな地域に行くことで今まで目に触れていなかった地元の人々の生活風景を垣間見る事が出来るので、 とても実のあることだと思いました。せっかくインドネシアには色んな島や色んな民族があるので、相手に敬意を払いつつ色んな地域を訪れてみたいと改めて思いました。


Hi, I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

Let's check this week's report!

1. Ichiro's business trip has ended!

Ichiro's business trip, around three weeks in Singapore (and Indonesia), ended succesfully. It was tough both on schedule and physical.

Below is a short interview with Kimura about his business trip to Singapore...

In additon to strengthening local networks in Singapore, I also able to build a networks connection with partner candidates in Southeast Asia such as Philippiness and Thailand, and gained a foothold in expanding the business.

Ichiro is back to Fukuoka, and looking foward to meeting all of our partners and staffs who was in inconvenience during his business trip this time.

2. Started using RENDER FOREST!

Free Tools for creating professional intros, animations, slideshows and music visualizations in minutes.!

(Quote from official website)

Wouldn't it be nice? :)

We started using RENDER FOREST for our PR movies.

It helps reducing human cost. You can customize and build the movie swiftly.

We are trying to use it activily in our company.

3. Making new logo!

We are currently in process of making a NEW logo for our service. The process itself is tough but I am really excited to hear about process.

Please look forward to our uncompromising logo!

4. Went to Madura Island!

We went to Madura Island, through Suramadu bridge from Surabaya.

Sumadura bridge

I heard that many Madura people go to Surabaya for working, so I wondered if Madura is similar to Surabaya. However Madura is totally different with Surabaya. It feel like Bali or Lombok island. Eventhough, we just stayed for half a day but I could enjoy the local cuisine and communicate with local there.

sate madura

The lastly...

It is a true experience to being able to go around many places, get in touch with its culture and living situation in each local area. Indonesia is rich in ethnic, race and island. I would like to explore more of it.

See you next time!

【The Weekly Report】2018/1/29~2018/2/2 週報

* English below.





1.anect 創業4年目を迎えました!










【The Weekly Report】2018/1/22~2018/1/26 週報 - anectで唯一コードが書けない人の仕事ブログ




日本(福岡) ー シンガポールインドネシア(スラバヤ)の3拠点でミーティングをボイスチャットツールを利用して開催しました。





1. 新年会@福岡オフィス

【The Weekly Report】2018/01/08~2018/01/12 週報 - anectで唯一コードが書けない人の仕事ブログ

ローカルネタにはなってしまいますが、オフィス近所のラーメンの一心不乱 福岡大名本店も閉店してしまったので本格的にランチ場所の新規開拓が急務となっています。


冒頭のトピックスでも言及しましたが、弊社はこれから4年目を迎えます。 創業時から全力で仕事をしてきた3人ですが、今週からは8人で全力で仕事をしていきたいと思います。


Hi, I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

I'm happy to hear a friend of mine also see this weekly report.

Let's check this week's report!

1.anect 3rd anniversary!

3rd February marked 3rd anniversary of anect.

anect was founded by just 3 people (Kimura,Hara,Maeda), but now our member have been increasing to 8 people from 4 countries including support members.

There were many episodes, stuggles, memories, etc. during the founding time, however we prefer not to talk much about those.

In the beginning of our 4th year, we are trying to push forward further by increasing the speed.

2.Juliana joined our Surabaya branch!

Juliana, Indonesian, who have been having the same perspective with our vision, officialy joined anect from 1st February.

She is a promising new member because she can speak Indonesian (Bahasa), Javanese, Malaysian and English. She is expected to be able to gather a lot of informations from many places with her outstanding communication skill.

I think we can over more feedback and plan better promotion strategy With all the informations that we got directly from the user and market in here.

4.Room-sharing with Indonesian staff

【The Weekly Report】2018/1/22~2018/1/26 週報 - anectで唯一コードが書けない人の仕事ブログ

Since we are living together, we are teaching native language to each others.

3.Held meeting through 3 countries!

Currently Mr. Kimura is on a business trip in Singapore, while I am staying in Indoneia, and our headaquater is in Japan. We held a meeting through 3 countries, Fukuoka (Japan)- Singapore- Surabaya (Indonesia) through voice chatting tool.

It was a very meaningful time when we were able to report our current work status and also check the development schedule.

Since we rarely have time to sit together, and to share each other state, we are planning to hold this kind of online meeting regularly.

4.Announcement on ending the Chikae's lunch service.

Chikae, our favorite fancy Japanese restaurant will end their lunch service.

1. Held New year's party at Fukuoka Office

【The Weekly Report】2018/01/08~2018/01/12 週報 - anectで唯一コードが書けない人の仕事ブログ

Further more, a Ramen shop called "Isshinfuran" near our Fukuoka office also permanently closed. So our headaquater members are in urgent need to find new lunch place.


As I mentioned at the topic at the beginning, anect is starting its 4th year from today.

It started from 3 members, now our member have been increased to 8 members! At the same time, we are trying to improve mo

We will further improve and brush up our business and service, so we can provide more services that suitable to Indonesian market.

【The Weekly Report】2018/1/22~2018/1/26 週報

*English below. f:id:anect:20180129194611p:plain




つい3週間前も、外国人のエンジニアが増えています、と書きましたが今度はオーストラリア人のエンジニアもサポートメンバーとして加わりました! 色んな国の優秀な人達と仕事ができることはありがたいことです…!


現在、弊社代表の木村はシンガポールへ3週間出張しています。 シンガポールの税制や法律を学んだり、現地の投資家とミーティングしたりと毎日インプットとアウトプットを大量に行っているとのこと。 近い将来、シンガポールにも弊社オフィスを構えることになるかも…ですね!








先週契約したアパートメントですが、一人で住むのには十分過ぎるということで2月から業務を手伝ってくれるインドネシア人の女の子と期間限定でルームシェアすることになりました! 既に以前2人でのルームシェアを1週間体験しているのでお互いあまり不安もなく、楽しんで暮らせそうです。英語とインドネシア語を使ってのコミュニケーションですが、同じ空間にいることで逐一共有し合えたり意見を交わせる環境にあるのがポイントだと思っています。初めてのムスリムの友人なので、ハラル料理を勉強するなど新しいことにももっと興味を持っていきたいと思います。


毎週週報を発行するにあたって、トピックス(なにか新しいこと)を作り出すということも大事なのだということを感じています。 水面下で進行中で発表段階ではないプロジェクトもいくつかあるので、早く週報にてお披露目したいと思っています。


Hi, I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

Let's check this week's report!

1. Added more engineer!

We got additional member as engineer. He is Australian! I am glad to work together with talented people.

2. Ichiro is in Singapore!

Ichiro is on business trip to Singapore for 3 weeks. He is currently learning about Singapore's law and tax systems, also holding meetings with investors. We are preparing to establish new branch in Singapore!!

3.Participated in EJJC New Year's Party!

I heard about EJJC New Year's Party from EJJC former president, and decided to participate in this year EJJC New Year's Party.

About 280 people came and joined this party. People from Japan Consulate General in Surabaya, Japanese Companies also came. It was a very gorgeous party than I imagined.

Because the number of Japanese who are staying in Surabaya is less than in Jakarta, it was very meaningful to get to know various people, and also very great opportunity to talk with people from different industries.

In here I was a little lonely and had no friends, so I am really glad to have met them!


Chorus by the ladies was wonderful.

4.Room-sharing with Indonesian staff

I will start room-sharing with an Indonesia staff who will help me with the work from February, because the apartment is kind of too big for myself.

I have experiences with room-sharing before, so far there are no worry and I am ready to have fun!

Eventhough the communication will be done in Indonesia mixed with English, I believe that we can share opinion and understand each other feeling more by living together.

Since she is my the first Muslim friend, I would like to take more interest in new things such as studying Halal cuisine.


In publishing the weekly report, I found that making new topics is important.

I would like to show more about the process of our new project through the weekly report.

See you next time!

【The Weekly Report】2018/1/15~2018/1/19 週報

*English below.



こちらインドネシアは、相変わらずの雨季真っ只中です。 今週も至る所で道路が冠水(banjir)していました。


1. instapageを使い始めました

ランディングページを簡単に作れるサイトを利用し始めました。 ランディングページとは1ページにサービス概要や特徴を盛り込んだページのことで、webサイトの最初の導入やまたお客様へのサービス説明の際に利用できます。


2. Jakartaの商業施設でインタビューを行っています




3. Jakartaのショップのオーナーにインタビューを行っています


ただ、オーナーが店頭に立っていないということも多く、オーナーへのヒアリングが難航していました。 今後は、ショップオーナーのコミュニティを探し、そこからヒアリングを始めていくことの方がよいと考えています。

4. Surabayaでアパートメント契約完了







Hi, I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

Rainy season is currently in full swing here in Indonesia.

Flooding is not something new in here. (In Bahasa we call it "banjir")

Ok, let's move on to our last week's report!

1. Started to use instapage

We began to use instapage, a site that makes it easy to create a landing page. Landing page is a single page that includes a service overview and features, which can be used for the initial introduction of a website or for explaining services to customers.

In sales, it will be easier to communicate with customer the presence of LP!

2. Held hearing at several shopping centers in Jakarta

Let me introduce my work a bit to you.

In order to confirm whether our service really matches the market right now and the current problem that customer have, I am doing some inquiry at several shopping centers.

I would like to thanks anyone for their cooperation.

3. Held hearing with several shop owners in Jakarta

As in the topic 2 above, I held several hearing with the shop owner who is our service target about the current issue and their interest in EC.

However, the hearing proses were not that smooth, since there are no many owner who is stand by in the shop for the whole day. So in the future, for better hearing execution, it is better for me to search if there are any shop owners community in advance.

4. Surabaya apartment contart completion

Basically I not chossy, however I have a strong determination that we need to stay at least in a nice place. I finally found a place that I like. I choosed a slightly wider room and with the persistent negotitations by taking the advantage of purchasing experience that I have, I can finally make a contract with a satisfying price.

I am grateful to our CEO, Mr. Kimura for his understanding about any contents.

From now on I will work HARDER! Fighting!


I apologize that this week report is mostly about my own work.

Further more, our CEO, Mr.Kimura will com to visit Surabaya next week! I am excited and looking forward to be his guide!

See you next time!