

【The Weekly Report】2018/1/22~2018/1/26 週報

*English below. f:id:anect:20180129194611p:plain




つい3週間前も、外国人のエンジニアが増えています、と書きましたが今度はオーストラリア人のエンジニアもサポートメンバーとして加わりました! 色んな国の優秀な人達と仕事ができることはありがたいことです…!


現在、弊社代表の木村はシンガポールへ3週間出張しています。 シンガポールの税制や法律を学んだり、現地の投資家とミーティングしたりと毎日インプットとアウトプットを大量に行っているとのこと。 近い将来、シンガポールにも弊社オフィスを構えることになるかも…ですね!








先週契約したアパートメントですが、一人で住むのには十分過ぎるということで2月から業務を手伝ってくれるインドネシア人の女の子と期間限定でルームシェアすることになりました! 既に以前2人でのルームシェアを1週間体験しているのでお互いあまり不安もなく、楽しんで暮らせそうです。英語とインドネシア語を使ってのコミュニケーションですが、同じ空間にいることで逐一共有し合えたり意見を交わせる環境にあるのがポイントだと思っています。初めてのムスリムの友人なので、ハラル料理を勉強するなど新しいことにももっと興味を持っていきたいと思います。


毎週週報を発行するにあたって、トピックス(なにか新しいこと)を作り出すということも大事なのだということを感じています。 水面下で進行中で発表段階ではないプロジェクトもいくつかあるので、早く週報にてお披露目したいと思っています。


Hi, I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

Let's check this week's report!

1. Added more engineer!

We got additional member as engineer. He is Australian! I am glad to work together with talented people.

2. Ichiro is in Singapore!

Ichiro is on business trip to Singapore for 3 weeks. He is currently learning about Singapore's law and tax systems, also holding meetings with investors. We are preparing to establish new branch in Singapore!!

3.Participated in EJJC New Year's Party!

I heard about EJJC New Year's Party from EJJC former president, and decided to participate in this year EJJC New Year's Party.

About 280 people came and joined this party. People from Japan Consulate General in Surabaya, Japanese Companies also came. It was a very gorgeous party than I imagined.

Because the number of Japanese who are staying in Surabaya is less than in Jakarta, it was very meaningful to get to know various people, and also very great opportunity to talk with people from different industries.

In here I was a little lonely and had no friends, so I am really glad to have met them!


Chorus by the ladies was wonderful.

4.Room-sharing with Indonesian staff

I will start room-sharing with an Indonesia staff who will help me with the work from February, because the apartment is kind of too big for myself.

I have experiences with room-sharing before, so far there are no worry and I am ready to have fun!

Eventhough the communication will be done in Indonesia mixed with English, I believe that we can share opinion and understand each other feeling more by living together.

Since she is my the first Muslim friend, I would like to take more interest in new things such as studying Halal cuisine.


In publishing the weekly report, I found that making new topics is important.

I would like to show more about the process of our new project through the weekly report.

See you next time!