

【The Weekly Report】2018/4/16~2018/4/20 週報

*English below







3.GladysがGnB Accelerator主催のRoadshow を観覧しました!

4月17日、GladysがJakartaで行われたGnB Accelerator主催のPitch eventを観覧してきました。



現在、Toko-Tokoリニューアルリリースに向けて皆様に少しでもサービス名とロゴを覚えてもらうため、 T-シャツを作成しました!フロントには大きなToko-Tokoのロゴ、バックにはToko-Tokoの紹介ページに飛べるQRコードがあしらわれております。







Hi, I'm Sakurako Mishima from anect Inc.

1. Toko-Toko's Facebook page has been renewed!

Towards to the renewal release of Toko-Toko, we also have redone the Toko-Toko Facebook page. Since last week, Juliana started to post columns in Indonesian that will make you interested in things related to Toko-Toko features, and online business. Please check our page and click "Like"!

2.Gathered interviews about Toko-Toko!

We compiled interviews which were gathered from target layers about Toko-Toko. From interview results, we could also share the expectation of the targets and we have come to see the implementation priorities of the functions.

3.Gladys went to Roadshow event organized by GnB Accelerator

Gladys went to Roadshow organized by GnB Accelerator in Jakarta on 17th April. The Q&A session was good to know better and gain much information from the successful startup, what they struggle, what they planned, what they do to realize the strategy plan, what they compete, etc.

4.We are preparing promotional goods for Toko-Toko!

Currently, towards the Toko-Toko renewal release, we made the promotional t-shirt in order to have people remember our service name and logo! At the front, we put a big Toko-Toko logo, and on the back is a QR code that can take the user directly to Toko-Toko introduction page.


Juliana also purchased a nice veil that suitable for Toko-Toko orange color last weekend. With veils the coordination choice became more wider and more fashionable, it made me jealous.



Last but not least ... Finally, the renewed Toko-Toko is scheduled to be released around mid May. I will announce the details through this report as soon as the official date is announced!

See you next time!

【The Weekly Report】2018/4/9~2018/4/13 週報

*English below.


1. Women'week exhibitionに行ってきました!

先日作成したToko-Tokoのリーフレットを持って、SurabayaのRoyal Plaza Mallで開催されているWomen'week exhibition に行ってきました。 出展は、インドネシア各地からの伝統衣装や美容品、木製家具やアクセサリーなどインドネシアらしさをとても感じる店舗が多く、とてもよかったです。 自分たちの地域の名産品をインドネシア外にも知ってもらいたいと考えている販売者も多く、Toko-Tokoについてとても興味を持ってくれていました。 f:id:anect:20180416170539j:plain:w400

2. 新デザイナーが加わりました!



遂に、Toko-Tokoの最新版イントロダクションムービーが完成し、Youtube上に公開されました! これさえ見ればToko-Tokoについての概要が分かるようになっていますので、ぜひ御覧ください!

4.木村が第 11 回 Growth Pitchに登壇しました!

弊社が入居しているFukuoka Growth NextのGrowth Pitchは、今回Fin techに関する企業が登壇する回でした。木村が弊社の事業内容について説明をおこない、多くの方から関心を持っていただくことができました!



1.Went to Women'week exhibition

I went to Women'week exhibition at Royal Plaza Mall, Surabaya, I also brought the Toko-Toko's leaflets that I created the other day. The exhibition itself filled with many traditional goods from all over Indonesia such as costumes, beauty items, wooden furniture ,and accessories. It felt so "Indonesian". There were many sellers who wanted to introduce their products to outside Indonesia. They also were very interested in Toko-toko.

2.Added new designers!

To speed up the development process, we added new outsource designers. In addition, we installed the new tool called Trello to share the tasks with the designers and grasp the progress.

3.Released Official Toko-Toko introduction movie!

Finally, the latest version of Toko-toko introduction movie was completed and it was released on Youtube. You can see more details about Toko-Toko easily so don't miss it!

4.Ichiro Kimura participated in Growth Pitch vol.11 as a speaker

The Growth Pitch vol.11 of Fukuoka Growth Next, where our company is occupied was a platform where companies related to Fin-tech took place as speaker.

Ichiro Kimura introduced our business and was able to get interest from many people!


We finally shared the release schedule of Toko-toko. Even though I'm going to be really busy, but I will do my best to respond to all expectations!

【The Weekly Report】2018/04/2~2018/4/6 週報

* English below.



Pitching days by BANSEA One Fundに参加しました

木村はシンガポールへ出張し、4月5日にPitching days by BANSEA one Fund に参加してきました。ピッチの結果、いくつかの投資家に興味を持ってもらうことができました!

インターンシップ開始&対面面談 with 木村さん



Toko-Tokoのリーフレットが完成しました。今後はWebサイト上からだけでなく紙でToko-Tokoのサービス概要が見れるようになりました。早速、期間限定で開催されているBatik and handicraft nusantara exhibition に趣き、直接ターゲット層に手渡ししてきました。地道な活動ですが、リーフレットを受けとった人からはToko-Tokoに対するたくさんの反響や意見をもらえています。


今まではMacOSのPCを使用するメンバーがほとんどでしたが、今回 Manuel本人の希望によりWindows 搭載のPCを購入しました。そうなんです、弊社では入社時に自分の任意のPCを購入できるようになっています!!好きなモデルを選ぶことができることも弊社のちょっとしたポイントです!到着が予定よりも1ヶ月以上遅れるというトラブルがありましたが、ようやくManuelの手に渡ってホッとしています。




Hi, I'm Sakurao from anect Inc.

Participated in Pitching days by BANSEA One Fund in Singapore

Ichiro Kimura went to Singapore to participate in Pitching days by BANSEA one Fund on 5th April. As a result of pitching, there were some companies who were interested!

Started the internship program & face to face meeting with Ichiro Kimura

Ichiro Kimura and I had a face to face interview with Gladys who is working as an intern from this week. We had a talk about Toko-Toko's marketing goals, bases, schedules as well as role of each person, etc.

As our potential target layers and the following functions become more clear, we have confidence in the growth of our service. And, I'm looking forward to our new member's marketing skills!

Created Toko-Toko's leaflet

The leaflet of Toko-Toko is completed. From now on, Toko-Toko service overview can be seen not only on the website but also on paper.

As soon as we got the leaflet on our hand, we went to "Batik and handicraft nusantara exhibition", and handed it to our target client directly. By being able to hand over to the target directly, it became easier to get direct feedback. Even though it's considered as a steady activity but we already got many significant feedbacks.

Manuel got the new laptop

Until now, most of the members are using MacOS laptop, but this time we purchased a Windows-PC at the request of Manuel. That's right, in our company we are able to purchase our own favorite PC model at the time of joining!

The PC arrival was delayed over 1 month because of some troubles, but now the PC finally arrived and reached Manuel's hands.


Although I had been temporarily returning home in March, I will go back to work again in Indonesia from April! From this year we would like to actively participate in the event more than ever and strive to disseminate our service as Marketing team!

See you next time!

【The Weekly Report】2018/03/26~2018/3/30 週報

*English below.





Zendesk 試験運用開始しました



3/27,原が福岡で開催されたIT交流会でReact Nativeを使った開発者の立場からiOS/Androidアプリ開発についてのメリット、デメリットについて意見を交わしてきました。


Matchup™ に掲載されました!





Hi, I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

Let's check last week's report!

Held recruitment interview for the local manager position

I was able to find people who wanted to help us with the business operations in Indonesia. I also have talked to her on Skype. In my opinion, she is a bright and intelligent woman! At the first, she will start as an intern and we will have another talk about her official position and joining date. I'm really excited to work with her, the candidate of COO, soon!

Started to use Zendesk trial program

Currently, we use Helpshft as our CS window since it was offered at the low price and correspond with multi languages. However, Helpshift recently increased its service plan fees, so we are considering to move from Helpshift to zendesk, which can adopt the necessary function for our needs.

Ryosuke did a round-table talk at study session.

Ryosuke gave a speech about merits and demerits of iOS and Android application development from the standpoint of a React Native developer in IT study session that was held in Fukuoka on 27th March.

Introduced on Matchup™

Our company was listed on the website which is introducing startup companies in Fukuoka! From this article, you can find more about our company. Please kindly take a look!


A year has passed since I joined anect Inc. To be honest, this one year is full of happiness since I could work in Indonesia that was a dream for me. In this second year, I hope I am able to be more independent at work and together with other members I hope I can give effective contributions to company's growth.

See you next time!

【The Weekly report】2018/3/19~2018/2/23 週報

*English below.





英語版の会社案内冊子を作成しました! PDFだけでなく紙媒体での配布も配布も出来るようになりました。1冊で弊社のことがよく分かるようになっているのでぜひ巡り合った際は楽しんで読んでもらえると嬉しいです。





Toko-Toko内でユーザーのお店のロゴを生成する(ロゴジェネレーター)をリリースしました。 プロのデザイナーさんに依頼しなくともセンスのいいロゴを簡単に作れるのでECサイト初心者の強い味方です。今後もECサイト初心者に優しい機能を随時リリースしていきます。


Google Analyticsなど分析に必要なツールを本格的に導入しました。これから分析をより緻密に行っていきながら、データの面からも更にも良いサービスになっていきます!


先週メンバー全員で受験したDuolingo English testの結果が返ってきました。スムーズに業務をこなすためには英語力が必須となるので引き続き英語力の向上を目指します。次の受験は5月予定です、目標は今回のスコアよりあげることです!


Hi I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

Let's check this week's report!

1. Created a company brochure

We created an English version company brochure! It is can be distributed not only in PDF but also in paper medium. We would be delightful if you enjoy and get more information about our company from this brochure.

2.Made a demo site

We created a real looking page to explain Toko-Toko service more easily. The site itself mainly to give the image which target layers can recognize when we interviewed. I really appreciate all our engineer cooperations in the middle of their busy schedule!

3.Released Logo generator function

We released logo generator. It is a friend of all EC site beginner because it is easy to make a logo with a good sense without the need to ask a professional designer. In the future, we will continue releasing many useful functions that are user-friendly to EC site beginners.

4.Started using Analytics tools

We started using full-scale tools for analysis such as Google Analytics. By continuing to do precise analyze practice, we believe we can over even better service from the viewpoint of data!


We received our Duolingo English test score which all members took last week. English skills are essential to make a business run smoothly so we will continue to improve our English proficiency. The next exam will be held in May 2018, and my goal is to increase the score from the previous one!

See you next time!

【The Weekly Report】2018/03/12~2018/3/16 週報

*English below. f:id:anect:20180319004217p:plain



Duolingo English Test を受験しました!

今回、イングリッシュスピーカー以外のメンバー全員でDuolingo English Testを受けて現在のメンバーの英語力を測りました。 スピーキング、リスニング、ライティング、ボキャブラリーの観点からTOEIC,TOEFLさながらの英語力測定が測れます。なんと結果も2日以内の早さで結果が回答が来ます!


前田がStartup day Tokyo に参加しました!

3/12(月)に東京で行われたAmazon Web Services主催のStartup day Tokyo というイベントに前田が参加してきました。


世界で成功しているスタートアップのビジネス的な視点から、実戦投入によって得られたAWS運用の技術的知見など、幅広い話を聞くことができました。 より良いサービスをより早く提供できるよう、今後もAWSを積極的に導入していきたいと思います。

最新の情報を取り入れ続けることは大事ですね! Amazon Web Serviceさんこれからもよろしくお願いします〜



Manuelの Welcome partyを開催しました!

福岡オフィスにいるメンバーでManuelのWelcome partyを行いました! 久しぶりの大所帯での懇親会はとても楽しかったです。

普段聞きそびれているメンバーの話やManuelについて色々知ることでの出来る良い機会でした! 大いに盛り上がりました〜!



三島は、久しぶりの福岡出張でした。 久しぶりのオフィスはメンバーも増えていて、とても賑わっていて楽しかったです! そして福岡のご飯は相変わらずばりウマでした。

Hi I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

Let's check this week's report!

Took Duolingo English Test

In this time, all members except English speakers member took Duolingo English Test and measured our English proficiency. The service provides scores in term of speaking, listening, writing and vocabulary such as TOEIC and TOEFL. And the result will come out within 48 hours! We will continue to take the exams regularly and I hope it will help everyone to improve their English.

Tamaki participated in Startup day Tokyo

Tamaki participated in an event called Startup day Tokyo organized by Amazon Web Services that was held in Tokyo on March 12 (Monday).

His impression about the event is as below,

I was able to hear a wide range of stories from the business perspective of the successful startup in the world, to the technical knowledge of AWS operation obtained by actual warfare. I would like to continue to actively introduce AWS in the future so that we can provide better services faster.

Keeping up with the latest information is important! Amazon Web Service Thank you for your continued support ~

Started pair programming

Our back-end engineer, Tamaki, and Manuel, who officially joined us back in March, are conducting pair program once a week for about one hour. Pair programming is a method which two engineers jointly develop a software using one workstation. Through pair programming, it is good opportunity to Deepen understanding of system specifications and programing language also a good opportunity to communicate in English.

Held Manuel's welcome party

We held Manuel's welcome party with Fukuoka's members. It was a lot of fun to have a social gathering after a long absence. It was also a good opportunity to chat and know more about Manuel! (I had so much fun that I forgot to take pictures...)


I visited our Fukuoka office after a long absence. As the number of members increased, our office became more lively and fun! And the food of Fukuoka is still Bariuma as ever. Bariuma means delicious in Fukuoka dialect!!!!

【The Weekly Report】2018/03/05~2018/3/9 週報

*English below.




Toko-Toko α版リリースしました!

急ピッチで開発を進めてきていた 新 Toko-Toko のα版が遂にリリースされました!


現在はまだ一般には公開されていませんが、システムとしてはおおよそ完成しました。 最終のヒアリング、調整を重ねて早く良いものを世に出せるように頑張っています!

タイ王立研究所 代表団約30名に対して弊社の事業の紹介をしました!

3/8にタイ王立研究所代表団がFukuoka growth nextに来訪しました。そこで木村が弊社と弊社の事業について説明しました。 福岡の海外向けの事業を行っているベンチャー企業として来訪者の方々にも注目していただきました。



先週からブランディング/デザイン担当として 伊藤が弊社の仲間に加わりました! 専門のメンバーが加わったことで、よりオシャレでインドネシア人の趣向にあった魅せ方ができるようになるのではないかとワクワクしています!




ここ最近タイとの交流が増えてきました。 私はパッタイが好きなので出張でタイに行く機会があればいいな、と思っています。 これから楽しみです!

Hi I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

Let's check this week's report!

Released new Toko-Toko α version!

Finally, the new Toko-Toko α version which has been rapidly developed, was released.

※The alpha phase of the release life cycle is the first phase to begin software testing. (by wikipedia)

Currently it is not open to the public yet, but it is almost completed as a system. We are trying our best to make the final hearing, adjustment and getting good things out soon!

Introduced our business to delegation members of Thailand King Prajadhipok's Institute!

The delegation members of Thailand King Prajadhipok’s Institute joined Fukuoka growth next that was held on 8th March. Ichiro got a chance to give an explanation about our company and business. They're very interested in us, a startup company who over services in Southeast Asia.

I hope they can take home our information together with awesome Fukuoka's memories.

Takaaki joined anect!

Takaaki joined our company as branding /design manager since last week! With the addition of specialized members, I am thrilled to be able to attract more attractive Indonesian tastes in a fascinating way!

Making cooperate overview!

Because of the increasing number of opportunities to hire new members and introduce companies to outside, we are rebuilding company overview that we have not done so far. We are using the material that focuses on the company's vision, prospects, and characteristics of members instead of the conventional business-centred explanation. So it is more easy to other to understand our company culture.


Recently the opportunity of exchange and meeting with Thailand has increased. Since I like Padthai, I really looking forward to the next-possible business trip to Thailand!