

【The Weekly Report】2018/06/11~2018/6/15 週報

*English below.




今年1月よりSurabaya拠点で仕事をしていましたが、Toko-Toko初期ユーザーの分布や新しいサービスに対するマインドなどを総合的に考慮して、5月よりJakartaにもofficeを構えており、今週遂にJakartaに拠点を完全に移すこととなりました。 レバラン中のお引越しでした。ちなみに引っ越しに際し対応してくれる人が全然いないし、レストランもどこも閉まってしまうのでレバラン中の行動はおすすめできません!笑

ともかく今まではJakarta, Surabayaの2拠点あったものを1つにまとめることでマーケティング、カスタマーサクセスのパワーをより発揮できるようになりました。乞うご期待ください!

2.登録ユーザーに向けたFollow upを強化しています!


3. ユーザーの声で改善された一例を紹介します!

ユーザーの声を聞いて一刻も早く改善できるようにエンジニアチームへのフィードバックを迅速に行い、常に改修おこなっています。 今回は そんな一例を紹介します!



  1. 電話番号登録
  2. SMSにてPINコードが送られる
  3. PINコード入力
  4. 任意のパスワード作成







現在、Toko-TokoではToko-Tokoを使ってオンラインビジネスを始めてみたい!という方を募集しています。 オンラインショップを開設してあとはおしまい、ではなく少ない資金でもお客さんを呼び込めるように、さらには売上までしっかり結びつくような仕組みを作れるようユーザーである販売者の皆様をサポートして行きたいと思っています。 ということで、 までご連絡お待ちしております!

Hi, I'm Sakurako Mishima from anect.

1. Moved to Jakarta

We have worked in Surabaya for about 4 month since January this year, however comprehensively considering the mindset for new business, we decided to move our office to Jakarta since last May. All the moving process completely was done by this week. We moved on lebaran term. Actually, since we are moving during Lebaran period, that's a big holiday in Indonesia, we found there're no company that can correspond with our moving plan and almost all of restaurants and local shops closed. So, I really not recommend moving during Lebaran period!

Anyway, since now we merged Jakarta office and Surabaya office into ONE office, we believe we can demonstrate our abilities about Marketing and Customer Success more! Please expect our works!

2. Strengthening the follow up for registered users!

Toko-Toko which users are steadily increasing more and more from starting service. To make the new users fully understand the Toko-Toko, we personally contact the users, and collect any problem that they're facing or expectation about Toko-Toko. We report all the problem at once to our engineer members, so we can immediately find the solutions.

Example of problem were largely improved based on user's opinions.

We promptly give feedback to the engineer team so that we can improve it as soon as possible after listening to the user's voice. This time I will introduce such an example!

From hearing users opinion, we all try to revise and improve our service as soon as possible. Today I introduce an example!

Opinion from users: PIN code input screen and password input screen are similar and difficult to understand.

The flow of the register processes is as below.

  1. Put in the telephone number
  2. Get PIN code via SMS
  3. Input PIN code
  4. Input their own password

PIN code input screen
password input screen

Both pages are similar to layout and it is difficult to recognize it proceeded if these pages are shown continuously, aren't they?

In the previous UI, some people found the IN code input screen and password input screen are similar and difficult to understand! So our engineer teams changed the UI so both pages can be distinguished easily.

We added the flame for input PIN code and make it distinguish easily.


Now we are gathering people who want to start online business with Toko-Toko. We create a mechanism that makes it possible for the seller with small funds to start an online shop and gather it's customer. We are waiting for you. Please contact in anytime!