

【The Weekly Report】2018/1/15~2018/1/19 週報

*English below.



こちらインドネシアは、相変わらずの雨季真っ只中です。 今週も至る所で道路が冠水(banjir)していました。


1. instapageを使い始めました

ランディングページを簡単に作れるサイトを利用し始めました。 ランディングページとは1ページにサービス概要や特徴を盛り込んだページのことで、webサイトの最初の導入やまたお客様へのサービス説明の際に利用できます。


2. Jakartaの商業施設でインタビューを行っています




3. Jakartaのショップのオーナーにインタビューを行っています


ただ、オーナーが店頭に立っていないということも多く、オーナーへのヒアリングが難航していました。 今後は、ショップオーナーのコミュニティを探し、そこからヒアリングを始めていくことの方がよいと考えています。

4. Surabayaでアパートメント契約完了







Hi, I'm Sakurako from anect Inc.

Rainy season is currently in full swing here in Indonesia.

Flooding is not something new in here. (In Bahasa we call it "banjir")

Ok, let's move on to our last week's report!

1. Started to use instapage

We began to use instapage, a site that makes it easy to create a landing page. Landing page is a single page that includes a service overview and features, which can be used for the initial introduction of a website or for explaining services to customers.

In sales, it will be easier to communicate with customer the presence of LP!

2. Held hearing at several shopping centers in Jakarta

Let me introduce my work a bit to you.

In order to confirm whether our service really matches the market right now and the current problem that customer have, I am doing some inquiry at several shopping centers.

I would like to thanks anyone for their cooperation.

3. Held hearing with several shop owners in Jakarta

As in the topic 2 above, I held several hearing with the shop owner who is our service target about the current issue and their interest in EC.

However, the hearing proses were not that smooth, since there are no many owner who is stand by in the shop for the whole day. So in the future, for better hearing execution, it is better for me to search if there are any shop owners community in advance.

4. Surabaya apartment contart completion

Basically I not chossy, however I have a strong determination that we need to stay at least in a nice place. I finally found a place that I like. I choosed a slightly wider room and with the persistent negotitations by taking the advantage of purchasing experience that I have, I can finally make a contract with a satisfying price.

I am grateful to our CEO, Mr. Kimura for his understanding about any contents.

From now on I will work HARDER! Fighting!


I apologize that this week report is mostly about my own work.

Further more, our CEO, Mr.Kimura will com to visit Surabaya next week! I am excited and looking forward to be his guide!

See you next time!