

【The Weekly Report】2018/06/25~2018/6/29 週報

*English below.




木村が京都にある株式会社 デイアライブ様 (の社内勉強会にて自身の経歴、事業内容、その中で苦労したことについて講演させていただきした。木村の経験が社員の皆様のお役に立てることを願っております。









私事ではありますが、7/1 日曜日にジャカルタ最大の日本のイベント縁日祭で”大東京パレード”に参加させていただきました。ジャカルタのブロックM周辺を着物を着て歩くという催しでした。沢山のインドネシア人に日本の文化である着物を紹介でき、交流ができて楽しい時間でした。とても貴重な機会をいただき、ありがとうございました。

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Hi, I'm Sakurako Mishima from anect Inc.

1. Ichiro Kimura gave a lecture at DAY ALIVE Inc.'s internal study

Ichiro Kimura gave a lecture on his career, his work experiences, and the difficulties in his working at the internal study group of DAY ALIVE Inc. ( We hope that Ichiro's experience will be useful to all of DAY ALIVE Inc.'s employee.

2. Interviewed candidates for recruitment!

Restarting at Jakarta, we took a job interview to recruit a new member to join the marketing team. In spite of short time recruitment, we got over 10 applicants and got to talk with each of applicant privately. In this time, our plan is to hire 1 person as a newcomer. For next we will continue to find more people!

3. Added bookmark function to home screen!

In order to make it easy to access Toko - Toko, we added new bookmark function! Users now can add Toko - Toko to be used in the browser to the home screen! As with the application you can jump to the Toko - Toko login page with a single click from the home screen.

4. Added a function to check duplication of subdomains in advance!

A function that allows you to confirm while inputting whether the user's preferred subdomain has already been used has been added. We try to improve user-friendliness so that users do not have to waste more time when setting up the domain.

When the domain is not available.

When the domain is available.


Although it is a private affair, I participated in the "Ennichisai", Jakarta 's biggest Japanese event festival on Sunday, 1st July. I wore Kimono which Japanese traditional one and walked around Jakarta's block M. It was a fun time to introduce kimono which is Japanese culture to many Indonesian people! Thank you very much for making a precious opportunity.

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See you next time!

【The Weekly Report】2018/06/18~2018/6/22 週報

*English below.



1. Toko-TokoのLPに詳細ページを追加しました!

Toko-TokoのランディングページにToko-Tokoの機能の詳細紹介とToko-Tokoでの商売の手順のページを追加しました。 使用前でのどのように利用するか、何ができるかがイメージしやすくなりました!



2. インターネットの低速環境での最適化しました!


3. パスワード再設定機能追加しました!


4. 投資家の方より追加投資をいただきました!




Hi, I'm Sakurako Mishima from anect Inc.

1. Added detailed page to Toko-Toko's LP

We added Toko-Toko's detailed feature introduction and Toko-Toko's procedure to the landing page. It became easier to imagine how to use it and what can be done!

[About product feature]

[About using process]

2. Optimized in the low-speed environment of the Internet!

We made effort so Toko-Toko can be used stably in Indonesia where network environment is not good by improving the upload speed and compressing and caching communication.

3. Added the password reset feature!

We added the new password reset feature in response to the user's voice!

4. Got additional funding from existing shareholder!

We got additional funds from existing shareholders. Thanks for the support, we can continue to operate as planned. We all appreciate it so much!


I feel like I finally started returning to normal scenery after a long lebaran vacation. Our marketing team, which moves according to the user's schedule, actually changed the way of contacting during holidays and regular periods. We are keenly aware of the importance of communicating with users and the importance of interviews and we will try to our best for building communication

【The Weekly Report】2018/06/11~2018/6/15 週報

*English below.




今年1月よりSurabaya拠点で仕事をしていましたが、Toko-Toko初期ユーザーの分布や新しいサービスに対するマインドなどを総合的に考慮して、5月よりJakartaにもofficeを構えており、今週遂にJakartaに拠点を完全に移すこととなりました。 レバラン中のお引越しでした。ちなみに引っ越しに際し対応してくれる人が全然いないし、レストランもどこも閉まってしまうのでレバラン中の行動はおすすめできません!笑

ともかく今まではJakarta, Surabayaの2拠点あったものを1つにまとめることでマーケティング、カスタマーサクセスのパワーをより発揮できるようになりました。乞うご期待ください!

2.登録ユーザーに向けたFollow upを強化しています!


3. ユーザーの声で改善された一例を紹介します!

ユーザーの声を聞いて一刻も早く改善できるようにエンジニアチームへのフィードバックを迅速に行い、常に改修おこなっています。 今回は そんな一例を紹介します!



  1. 電話番号登録
  2. SMSにてPINコードが送られる
  3. PINコード入力
  4. 任意のパスワード作成







現在、Toko-TokoではToko-Tokoを使ってオンラインビジネスを始めてみたい!という方を募集しています。 オンラインショップを開設してあとはおしまい、ではなく少ない資金でもお客さんを呼び込めるように、さらには売上までしっかり結びつくような仕組みを作れるようユーザーである販売者の皆様をサポートして行きたいと思っています。 ということで、 までご連絡お待ちしております!

Hi, I'm Sakurako Mishima from anect.

1. Moved to Jakarta

We have worked in Surabaya for about 4 month since January this year, however comprehensively considering the mindset for new business, we decided to move our office to Jakarta since last May. All the moving process completely was done by this week. We moved on lebaran term. Actually, since we are moving during Lebaran period, that's a big holiday in Indonesia, we found there're no company that can correspond with our moving plan and almost all of restaurants and local shops closed. So, I really not recommend moving during Lebaran period!

Anyway, since now we merged Jakarta office and Surabaya office into ONE office, we believe we can demonstrate our abilities about Marketing and Customer Success more! Please expect our works!

2. Strengthening the follow up for registered users!

Toko-Toko which users are steadily increasing more and more from starting service. To make the new users fully understand the Toko-Toko, we personally contact the users, and collect any problem that they're facing or expectation about Toko-Toko. We report all the problem at once to our engineer members, so we can immediately find the solutions.

Example of problem were largely improved based on user's opinions.

We promptly give feedback to the engineer team so that we can improve it as soon as possible after listening to the user's voice. This time I will introduce such an example!

From hearing users opinion, we all try to revise and improve our service as soon as possible. Today I introduce an example!

Opinion from users: PIN code input screen and password input screen are similar and difficult to understand.

The flow of the register processes is as below.

  1. Put in the telephone number
  2. Get PIN code via SMS
  3. Input PIN code
  4. Input their own password

PIN code input screen
password input screen

Both pages are similar to layout and it is difficult to recognize it proceeded if these pages are shown continuously, aren't they?

In the previous UI, some people found the IN code input screen and password input screen are similar and difficult to understand! So our engineer teams changed the UI so both pages can be distinguished easily.

We added the flame for input PIN code and make it distinguish easily.


Now we are gathering people who want to start online business with Toko-Toko. We create a mechanism that makes it possible for the seller with small funds to start an online shop and gather it's customer. We are waiting for you. Please contact in anytime!

【The Weekly Report】2018/06/04~2018/6/8 週報

*English below.


こんにちは、anect の三島です。

1. セールスパイプラインの言語化


2. ロジスティクス企業との協業プロジェクトが始まりました!


3. Gladys、日本出張の準備中

Gladysが日本への出張のため、パスポートのIC化、VISAの取得など準備を進めています。 意外とプロセスに時間を要するんですね。入社当初から計画されていた日本出張ですが、もう少しかかりそうです。実はGladysにとっても初めての日本への渡航です。社員が日本とインドネシアを互いに行き来して文化を理解しコミュニケーションを取りやすくなるようこれからも企画していけたらと思っています!

4. 木村家に第二子誕生!

今週 代表の木村に第2子が誕生しました!!おめでたいです!おめでとうございます!!男の子だそうです。最後の平成生まれですね、元気いっぱいに育ちますように!




Hi, I'm Sakurako Mishima from anect.

1. Made verbalizing of Sales pipeline

Sales pipeline is a sales management method that monitors process from prospective customers to purchasers and number of prospective customers (sales, number of cases, etc.). Sales and marketing that had been dependent on people until now, from now on, we began initiatives to make language guidelines and common guidelines for the sales pipeline to make it easier to visualize the results more efficiently!

2. Started A collaborative project with logistics companies

One of the projects that we are currently focused on is collaboration project with logistics companies. It is aimed so that users of Toko-Toko can carry out sales and transaction more smoothly. We have already started meetings and we are thinking about new functions and services so that Toko-Toko can be more user-friendly in the future in terms of delivery and shipping!

3. Gladys, preparing for the first business trip in Japan

For upcoming business trip Japan, Gladys is preparing the IC passport and acquiring VISA. Surprisingly, the process takes longer time and more complicated than I expected. This business trip to Japan was planned since the first she joined the company, but it seems to take longer time to proceed.

New baby in Ichiro's family!

A second child was born in our CEO family this week! Congratulations! He is born in the last year of Heisei. Best wishes on his cute little boy!


A long-term vacation in Indonesia has been started. It seems that this season will be the busy season and the price for the service will also rise. Since all the government offices and shops are closed, procedures are not proceeding as expected, which is causing inconvenience in daily life. Please be careful about staying in Indonesia in this season!

See you next time!

【The Weekly Report】2018/05/28~2018/6/01 週報

*English below.

こんにちは、anectの三島です。 f:id:anect:20180604161614p:plain


ランディングページとは主に「ネット広告やリンクをクリックしたときに表示されるWebページ」のことを指し、一番最初に目にする詳細ページのようなものでしょうか。Toko-Tokoだと があたります。 ここのページをいかに伝わりやすくするかで登録者数が増えていくと考え、常に改善を重ねています。今回、大幅に改善させて登録のフローを画像としても見やすくしました!


Toko-Tokoに興味を持ってくれているポテンシャルユーザーの動向や趣向、属性をより細かく把握するため、サイト訪問の分析を強化しています! 一例だと、Facebook Pixel を導入してFacebook広告に対して反応した人たちの属性や趣向を認識できるようになりました。

Facebookピクセルを使用する | Facebookヘルプセンター


インドネシアで1年で最も激しい大商戦が始まるのは今年は6月2週目の「レバラン」(「Hari Raya Idul Fitri」とも言う)ですが、ラマダン中もモールはお祭りのようにイベントやセールが目白押しになっています。先週はインドネシアの祝日が各所に散りばめられていたこともあり、どこのモールもとても混んでいました。





Hi, I'm Sakurako Mishima from anect.

1.Landing page was renewed!

Landing page, or simply called as LP, is that mainly "Web page which is displayed when we click the link or web advertisement", the very first page of explanation pages. In Toko-Toko, it is .

We think LP is the most important factor for attracting more registrants, and we are constantly trying to make improvements. This time, we improved the Toko-Toko's LP significantly and made it easy to see the registration flow in an image form!

2.Updated user trends and analysis settings

We are strengthening the analysis of site visits to grasp the trends, preferences, and attributes of the Potential users interested in Toko-Toko. For example, we introduced Facebook Pixel to recognize the attributes and preferences of people who responded to Facebook advertisements.

Facebookピクセルを使用する | Facebookヘルプセンター

3. Ramadhan celebration in the mall @ Surabaya

The most severe big sale in one year in Indonesia is started to celebrate Lebaran or also called as Hari Raya Idul Fitri on 2nd week of June. During in month of Ramadhan many malls hold events and SALEs. Especially last week, there were 2 national holidays in one week, had many holidays on a week, all of the places including malls were crowded with people.



As for me, I was sick and went to the local hospital last week. It was a hard experience for me since the Indonesian hospital is totally different with the Japanese one, plus I was not in my best condition. Again, I felt that self-management is important. Please take care of your health during season change!

See you next time!

【The Weekly Report】2018/05/21~2018/5/25 週報

*English below.





2.開発チームでDaily scrumを開始しました!







Hi, I'm Sakurako Mishima from anect Inc.

1.Started interview for new registrants!

We introduced Toko-Toko to shop owners who gave their cooperation during the development stage and received feedback on the usability of registration and service. There is always new discovery in every interview. Also, by reporting feedback to the development team, we can make the improvements quicker. We also realize that the smoothness of registration is rising by UI.

2.Started Daily scrum in Development team!

By using Daily scrum, each developer shares their work progress with the team members. Also by sharing the progress, it is easier to solve the current problems and give help to the team. Since basically development team work independently, we try to consciously review the task and take time to share.

3.Looking for a Kos in Jakarta!

Since we set up an office in Jakarta, we are currently looking for accommodation in Jakarta! Jakarta has a very high rent so it is very difficult to find an affordable room. The standard price of an apartment in Jakarta is almost same as in Tokyo, so I I am currently looking for a room in the boarding house called Kost (Kos). The kost have a wide range of room type, from a local feeling room to a hotel-like room, I would like to find a satisfactory room! If you have any information about cozy kost in Jakarta, please give us information!!!!!!


Through busy days, we will move our office to Jakarta from Surabaya. I really was thankful to all Surabaya friends who have helped me! I'm so sorry that I can't say thank you directly to everyone. From June, I will stay in Jakarta and will continue to work hard! At the same time, I will try to make the new project for business trip to Surabaya soon. Thank you!

See you next time!

【The Weekly Report】2018/05/14~2018/5/18 週報

*English below.



1. Toko-Toko ベータ版リリースしました!

遂にToko-Tokoをリリースしました!いよいよ、公式にユーザー登録が可能になりました。 インドネシアでオンラインショップを開設したい人、インドネシアでオンラインショップをはじめているがいまいち効果が上がっていない人はぜひ使ってみてください。周りにそんなお友達がいたら、ぜひToko-Tokoを紹介してあげてください!同時にユーザーの皆様からのフィードバックを非常に欲しているので、使用した感想などお待ちしています!

2.Tech in Asia Singaporeに参加しました!

5月15日、16日に JETROさんのサポートによりSuntec convention centerで行われたTech in Asiaに参加してきました。日本のスタートアップ企業23社が2日間の日程で分かれ、私たちは2日目の5月15日にブース出展をしました。東南アジアにフォーカスしたVCの方々と沢山コンタクトを取ったり、インドネシア以外の方から「使ってみたい」の声をいただきとても収穫の多いイベント参加になりました。今後もこのようなイベントに出展し、協業できる企業様やVCの方に興味を持ってもらいたいと思います。

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3. Startup Thailandに参加しました!

5月17日から5月20日まで 福岡市のサポートによりQueen sirikit convention centerで行われた Startup Thailandに参加してきました。タイ政府が前面サポートしているタイで最大のスタートアップのためのイベントでした。参加国もタイ以外にチリ、フランス、インドネシアベトナム、マレーシア、シンガポール、台湾(順不同)からもスタートアップが集まり、まさにスタートアップの祭典と言って過言でないような規模でした。来場者は、学生からテクノロジーに興味のある一般企業の人まで本当に幅広く、タイの生の声を聴くにはとても適した場でした。Toko-Tokoのサービスは、想像を遥かに超える好感触で今すぐ使いたい!という人が続出し、タイ版へのアップデートをお待ちいただく形になりました…!インドネシア版のリリースをしたばかりですが、はやくタイへの対応が出来るようになるように業界の勉強からスケジュール決めまで急いで組んでいくことになりそうです!

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Toko-Tokoのプロジェクト管理のために、prince2 と scrumを導入し、使用し始めました。 国をまたいでおこなうプロジェクトは管理やコミュニケーションが難しいところもありますが、新しい手法を用いて無駄を減らし、目標に対して正しい方向で進めれるようにしていきたいと思います。




Hi, I'm Sakurako Mishima from anect Inc.

1.Toko-Toko β Version is Released!

Finally, the new version of Toko-Toko is released! Soon people will be able to register. Those who wish to open an online shop in Indonesia, those who want to start an online shop in Indonesia, but who have not gotten any result, please try using it. Feel free to introduce Toko-Toko if there are such friends surround you! At the same time, we really appreciate any feedback from the users, I am waiting for your impression of our service!

2. Attended Tech in Asia Singapore!

We attended Tech in Asia which was held at Suntec Convention Center by JETRO's support on 15th May and 16th May. 23 Japanese startup companies shared the booths within 2 days and anect got the opportunity on the second day. We got many contacts with VC who focused on Southeast Asia and also received the voices like a "want use it!" and "Plase expand Toko-Toko to other countries!". We hope we can participate in these kind of events again in the future.

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3.Attended Startup Thailand!

We attended Startup Thailand which was held at Queen Sirikit Convention Center from 17th May to 20th May with the support of Fukuoka city. It was the largest start-up event held by Government of Thailand. In addition of Thailand, this event was also attended by companies from Chile, France, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan. It's such a "The Festival of Startup" in term of variety and participatory. Visitors ranged from students to general corporate people who are interested in technologies. And it's also a good opportunity to listen to the newest trend in Thailand E-commerce. We also got lots of awesome reactions from Thai market beyond our expectation! Although we just released Toko-Toko Indonesia ver. about 4days ago, we will make development for reaching Thailand people too. We are trying our best to be able to answer the call from Thailand market!

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4. Introduced Project management frameworks.

We started using prince2 and scrum as project management frameworks for Toko-Toko. The goal is to align efforts with business objectives and reduce waste.


Ramadhan 2018 started on 17th May. However some sad news came a few days before on 13th May and 14th May, 2 suicide bombings went off in Surabaya. It's in the area where I am based in, and those news really broke my heart. Indonesia is a country where the religion cannot be separated with daily life, however, I hope that every religion can respect each other, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Actually, it is not easy to detect danger in advance, but I would like to try not to worry too much, I also would like to give some short announce about my situations to everyone that was worried and cared about my conditions in these last few weeks. Juliana and I are safe.

See you next time!